Education as a potency in times of neoliberalism and fundamentalisms
Schizoanalysis, Education, Capitalism, Fundamentalisms, Gilles DeleuzeAbstract
The goal of this article is to reflect about the different models of education in Brazil, based on an analysis of their diagrams of forces. Our method of reflection is based on the theoretical repertoire of schizoanalysis, created by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. We seek to make a cartography, a map, of its configurations of forces. Then, we carry out an analysis of the micropolitics of the forces involved in the Institution-Education in the current times. As results, we found three modalities of education: neoliberal education, fundamentalist education and education as power. The first updates the axiomatic of capital, being an educational modality mobilized by hyperproductivity. The second acts according to the logic of negativity, committed to prohibition, standardization, and censorship. Finally, the latter is configured as an active utopia, which through a haptic dimension seeks to produce processes of empowerment and transformation.
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