Become-children and the confaulatory game



becoming child, game, event, fabulation, education


The present work exposes seven sections that can be organized in three segments. The first one analyzes how the child's presence is monitored and codified in the control society. The second focuses on the contributions made by Guattari and Deleuze, together, about the relationship of the child, psychoanalysis and capitalism. There it is argued that a new educational experience is only possible from the reflection of an ontology of the minority, since only on this plane does temporality unfold as blocks of becoming. It is also considered that the infant's oedipal encodings can be overcome from his experimentation with the game. Only in this way does the child's desire immediately turn to the social field. While in the third and last segment the contributions of the philosopher Deleuze are reviewed, in his first books. The relationship between becoming and the educational event is analyzed. An attempt is made to think of the ideal game as a form of collusion. Nietzsche's critique of nihilism is also analyzed as a necessary step to understand the relationship between innocence and the child's existence. Such understanding is necessary for the implementation of that conspiracy of the educational event.


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Author Biography

Darío Peralta, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento

Profesor Universitario en Filosofía, Profesor Universitario en Historia, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento. Magister en Filosofía Política por la universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Docente en ISFD Nº 21 Ricardo Rojas. Distrito de Moreno. Docente en ISFDT Nº 42 Leopoldo Marechal. Distrito de San Miguel.
Miembro de la investigación del Proyecto: (Cód:) - Sujeto y procesos de subjetivación en las experiencias de aprender y enseñar filosofía. En la Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento.
Área de investigación: didáctica en Filosofía, y Filosofía política.


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How to Cite

Peralta, D. (2020). Become-children and the confaulatory game. Saberes Y prácticas. Revista De Filosofía Y Educación, 5(1), 1–14. Retrieved from