Little Essay on Multiplicities
Social psychology, bodies, institutions, lines of flight, everyday life, multiplicitiesAbstract
In the following writing the conceptual tools that are developed will be with the aim of continuing to think of social psychology as a field of knowledge that seeks to reflect on the multiplicities of factors and actors that stimulate the relationships of people in their daily lives. That is, a psychology that conceptualizes as a field of analysis the various dimensions that cross the relationships of people in their social contexts of existence with the aim of overcoming reductionist analysis of the complex scenarios in which societies and individuals operate. In this way, the object of study of social psychology will continue to be problematized to denature myths and antinomies (Bleger, 1975) and address it in its social, political and institutional conditions of existence. Likewise, one of the central institutions in the conformation of subjectivity will be analyzed, which affects the life of the population on a daily basis, such as the school.
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