Teaching Ethics in High School

Teaching Intervention Based on The Competency-Based Approach and Phronesis





High school education, Philosophy teaching, Competency-based approach, Teaching practice, Teaching strategies


A report is presented on a teaching intervention for the teaching of ethics in Higher Secondary Education through the competency-based approach. First, the authors contextualize and problematize the report in the framework of the Integral Reform of Higher Secondary Education that took place in Mexico in 2008, in order to observe the curriculum changes in all the study plans of this educational level and to point out the place of ethics as a subject in this subsystem and the challenges of teachers facing these changes. Second, they introduce the theoretical principles of the competency-based approach, as well as a philosophical perspective on the teaching of ethics based on phronesis, which from an Aristotelian perspective is translated as prudence, as a model of ethical being. Third, they expose a didactic design together with the results that show the experiences of the teacher in the classroom, the work of the students and the outcomes of the learning processes. Finally, they analyze the impact of the competency-based approach in the teaching of ethics, pointing out the difficulties and limitations, but also the possibilities they offer for the teaching work when linked to wider philosophical conceptions.


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How to Cite

Mireles Vargas, O., & García García, C. (2022). Teaching Ethics in High School: Teaching Intervention Based on The Competency-Based Approach and Phronesis. Saberes Y prácticas. Revista De Filosofía Y Educación, 7(1), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.48162/rev.36.048