Reflection Connected With Educational Space, About Human Condition. Cinema as an Approach Tool


  • Sara Leticia Molina Universidad Nacional de Cuyo



Human condition, the representable, the unrepresentable, education cinema


Philosophical Anthropology provides the framework for the theme that this presentation calls for. In the philosophical field, the theoretical framework is based, firstly on the thought of Nietzsche, taking into account the status that it assigns to the body. Second, Rancière offers contributions regarding the controversial relationship between the representable and the unrepresentable. Third, the guide is provided by Walter Benjamin's cultural critic, who seeks to reveal the influence of cinema on the mass that can see themselves on the screen. I move the treatment of cinema as a useful resource to the educational level. To this end, I choose film scenes where I try to apply the categories and determinations analyzed to offer them as a tool for reflection on the human condition.


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How to Cite

Molina, S. L. (2022). Reflection Connected With Educational Space, About Human Condition. Cinema as an Approach Tool. Saberes Y prácticas. Revista De Filosofía Y Educación, 7(1), 1–13.