Discussions on the relationships between film and schooling
About omissions, reductionisms and possibilities in the Argentine experience facing French educational system's itinerary
Cinema, Pedagogy, School, Cinephilia, Argentine and FranceAbstract
The text intends to contribute to the study of the relationship between film and schooling. It starts from the critique of the reductionism that has operated the pedagogical discourse on the multiple dimensions of cinema, in particular with regard to the artistic experience of film as "otherness" of the school form. First, it gives an account of the limitations and possibilities produced by the omission of the artistic conception of cinema in the Argentine school curriculum during the 20th century and up to the present day. Then, it differentiates connotations that the expression "schooling of cinema" receives, in order to relativize critical and celebratory approaches regarding the potentiality that the inclusion of films in the school's daily life implies. Finally, it recovers the experience of the program of promotion of arts and culture in the French educational system as a counterpoint to the Argentine one, making focusing on the influence of the French cinephilia in the pedagogical discussions on the incorporation in schools and the teaching of cinema as an art.
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