Practical life and ethical knowledge in "Synedoche New York" by Charlie Kaufman (2008)


  • Maximiliano Chirino Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


Aristotelian Ethics, Practical Life, Vulnerability, Ethical Knowledge


This essay is an analysis on the problem of practical life. Particularly towards how agents conceive their own lives in ethical terms. Taking Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics as a guide, I assume practical life as a changing, mobile, unpredictable and opaque object to defend together with Nussbaum (1995) an ethical conception that affirmatively values the weight of circumstances, the particularities that make to our own life and to recognize the vulnerable and shared character of our human existence.

I propose that these problems be thought in reading the tragedy Hecuba by Euripides and in observance of the production of Charlie Kaufman (2008) Synedoche. New York. I defend that this said cinematographic production, as well the tragedy of Euripides, allow us to go deep, in Lispector’s terms (2010), towards the depth of things. It would be an ethical knowledge about themselves (Foucault, 2002) by the ethical agents regarding the process of living. A key reading necessary to think about and education in virtue.


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Aristóteles (2010). Ética Nicomaquea. Colihue Clásica.

Aristóteles (2015). Poética. Colihue Clásica.

Eurípides (2014). "Hécuba" en Tragedias II. Colihue Clásica.

Foucault, M. (2009). La hermenéutica del sujeto. Curso en el College de France 1981-1982. Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Giraldo, L. y Zuluaga, C. (2013). El cuidado de sí y de los otros en Foucault, principio orientador para la construcción de una bioética del cuidado. Discusiones Filosóficas. Año 14 Nº 22, pp. 187 - 201.

Kauffman, Ch. (2008). Synedoche. New York (película). Sidney Kimmel Entertainment. Disponible en

Lispector, C. (2010). La Pasión según G.H. El Cuenco de Plata.

Masin, C. (2010). La helada. En La plenitud. Hilos editora.

Nussbaum, M. (1995). La Fragilidad del Bien. Fortuna y Ética en la Tragedia y la Filosofía Griega. La Balsa de la Medusa.



How to Cite

Chirino, M. (2021). Practical life and ethical knowledge in "Synedoche New York" by Charlie Kaufman (2008). Saberes Y prácticas. Revista De Filosofía Y Educación, 5(2), 1–11. Retrieved from