The Body in University Settings. Thinking Knowledge Production Practices and Contributions to ESI from the Experience of the Body and Communication Area
Body, University, ESI, Communication, Learning-TeachingAbstract
This text addresses experiences and practices carried out in a university space, the Body and Communication Area. Aesthetic-political problems in the production of subjectivity, of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires. The writing has a double objective: to outline, on one hand, possibilities in university knowledge production practices; and on the other, dimensions worked on in relation to the question of the body in this area, considering the need to deepen the implementation of ESI at different educational levels. In particular, the approach focuses on a degree curricular seminar and on different activities implemented within the referred area. The text begins by exposing about the creation of the Body and Communication Area… and about the activities and interests worked on in this space. Second, it outlines the problems and practices developed in the aforementioned seminar, including changes implemented in the current context of the pandemic. Finally, it reflects on the guidelines proposed in the framework of the ESI and on the way in which the practices developed in the regarded spaces involve the question of the body and modes of relationship between bodies in university settings.
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