Discomfort in Academic Writing
Notes about the Uncomfortable Tension between Mother Tongues, Disciplinary and Academic Languages at FCE-UNCUYO
experience, wisdom, scientific knowledge, mother tongue, foreign languageAbstract
The initial concerns of this research arose from our own experiences in the teaching-learning practices at the university chair of Research Methodology: we wondered how knowledge is produced in the Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (FCE-UNCUYO), what type of wisdom come out in those investigations, what epistemological assumptions are the ones that support the type of knowledge produced, and which ones are responsible for silencing the experience that seep in the texts. We start from a suspicion: behind an apparent confusion between the production of knowledge and the research for intervention, there is the production of specific wisdom in the field of Economic Sciences, often unrecognized in some academic instances due to its scarce systematization. Our research attempts to elucidate, from a critical epistemology, the epistemological assumptions of undergraduate research conducted at the FCE-UNCUYO to account for the experiences that underlie the wisdom produced. The methodological procedure sought to look in between, without isolating our object from its context of production, rehearsing a haptic look to read wisdom in texts. In this journey, we identified three types of languages that allow us to access different experiences in the production of knowledge: the mother tongue, the disciplinary language and the foreign language.
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