Walter Benjamin and Aby Warburg: from the dialectical image to the spectral image
Looking at history as a physicist to capture the survival [Nachleben] and the energetic life [Lebensenergie] of the past.
Walter Benjamin, Aby Warburg, Natural History, temporality, legibility of the pastAbstract
In the preparatory notes to the theses On the Concept of History [1940] (2009), Walter Benjamin points out that the historical materialist must, in traversing the "structure of history", carry out a "spectral analysis" [Spektralanalyse]. Whatever familiarity Benjamin may have had with the physical method of spectral analysis, we start from here to derive a central theme, which is that of the epistemology of the image for a model of history already dialectised with nature, in this case, that of Walter Benjamin and Aby Warburg. It is not only the notion of image and dialectical image present in the authors that is important, but also that which is contained and transmitted in the image, which comes from past temporalities. This is why we address the idea of survival [Nachleben] in both authors, and how this is encoded, in Waburg's thought, in the idea of an energetic life and in the notions of dynamogram, engram and memory. What interests us in enabling a broader view of history is to show that the dichotomous separation between history and nature - criticised by both Warburg and Benjamin - disables the possibility of capturing a realm of the objectual that is independent of man, that is, the energy or force that is contained in the heart of an image, hence the interest of taking the physicist's view of history.
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