Peace in Colombia: Psychosocial Construction of a Pedagogy of Coexistence




Pedagogical model, coexistence, peace


The experience of reality is a product of our actions where we can consciously and deliberately participate in its construction as well as evaluate and review our actions to consciously influence the consequences of them. To characterize everyday life, we ​​turn to the experiential and intuitive dimension rather than the rational and verbal dimension. We carry out organized exercises to describe the experience through drawing, the exchange of experiences and emotions, as well as verbal and logically supported and argued descriptions. Reality is the result of the attitudes, behaviors, and discourses that we put into play in our relationships with others. From this psychosocial approach, this article bets that it is possible to educate for coexistence in community contexts if we have living concepts, and coherent about coexistence and with a pedagogical model based on the affective and in accordance with the social context addressed.


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How to Cite

Arango Cálad, C. (2024). Peace in Colombia: Psychosocial Construction of a Pedagogy of Coexistence. Saberes Y prácticas. Revista De Filosofía Y Educación, 9(1), 1–19.