Philosophical Institutionality and its Right to the Archive
Institutionality, philosophy in Chile, archive, philosophical materialities and situated thoughtAbstract
This research, inspired by the 2023 translation of Derrida’s Privilege or Right to Philosophy, aims to recognize diverse materialities and forms of critical reflection as a means to expand thought. To this end, we examine philosophy and its institutional framework from both archival and anarchival perspectives, exploring what the philosophical archive offers as a space for safeguarding information. Building on the concept of conservation as a key archival practice, we analyze the implications of author reproduction and knowledge creation through universal narratives for philosophical institutionalism. Within this framework, we consider philosophy in Chile as the heir to an identity-less thought, which has contributed to the neglect of events within the inhabited territory. Furthermore, the discipline’s reliance on repetitive data will be explored as both an organizing axis and a point of entry for alternative mediums that challenge the boundaries imposed by the archive, paving the way for new philosophical approaches.
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