Treatment of archaeological information

The example of the database for the Laguna Blanca Archaeological Project (INIP-UNCA)


  • Sabine Dupuy Instituto Interdisciplinario Puneño. Universidad Nacional de Catamarca


Database, Data systematization, Archaeological information system


The Laguna Blanca Archaeological Project team has been working since 1992 in a region covering 9732 km², and created a large volume of information that has made computer databases (DB) an indispensable tool. Our DB, created in 2015 in Filemaker 12 and currently in Filemaker Pro Advanced 17, is the result of a long process of homogenizing records. This paper proposes efficient tools for systematizing diverse and heterogeneous data produced by archaeological research. The tools make it possible to process and exchange archaeological information and optimize work times and tools. We present the steps in this process, which allows us to manage the current registry of 1227 archaeological sites and 1151 community sites throughout the region, linked to their finds, samples, and graphical and architectural records. We can also generate Unique Records of Archaeological Goods (INAPL) and detailed records of sites and burial contexts. Currently, the interoperability of the DB with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is under development. The solution we have developed thus covers data management, documentation and cartographic management, and quantitative and interpretative processing.


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How to Cite

Dupuy, S. (2019). Treatment of archaeological information: The example of the database for the Laguna Blanca Archaeological Project (INIP-UNCA). Anales De Arqueología Y Etnología, 74(2), 191–218. Retrieved from


