Stereotyped bodies, buried bodies, represented bodies, changing bodies

A comprehensive approach from feminist archeology


  • Carmen Rueda Galán Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Arqueología Ibérica. Universidad de Jaén. España
  • Paloma González Marcén Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. España
  • Margarita Sánchez Romero Universidad de Granada. España
  • Carmen Rísquez Cuenca Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Arqueología Ibérica. Universidad de Jaén. España
  • María Cacheda Pérez Agencia Catalana del Patrimoni/ Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. España
  • María Paz De Miguel Ibáñez Universidad de Alicante. España
  • Ana Delgado Hervás Universitat Pompeu i Fabra, Barcelona. España
  • Marta Díaz-Zorita Bonilla Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelaters, University of Tübingen. Alemania
  • Ana Belén Herranz Sánchez Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Arqueología Ibérica. Universidad de Jaén. España
  • Mireia López-Bertran Universitat Pompeu i Fabra, Barcelona. España
  • Marina Picazo i Gurina Universitat Pompeu i Fabra, Barcelona. España
  • Begoña Soler Mayor Museu de Prehistòria de València. España



archaeology of the body, prehistory, funerary record, iconography, gender stereotypes


In this paper we present a number of approaches to the issue of female corporeal identities and their agency. Employing a traverse perspective, we focus on a variety of prehistoric and proto-historic case studies from the Iberian Peninsula as well as from the ancient Mediterranean in general. Our proposal follows three principal lines of research: first, we reflect on the stereotypical images of prehistory which have produced profoundly distorted models of the past. Second, we examine the question of corporeal identities based on a group of selected burials. Finally, using bioarchaeological data, the third line is a comprehensive overview of social status, level of care, and visible changes in female bodies within the context of their specific life cycle. We offer a general reflection which allows us to present the current state of research that has been undertaken by the group Past Women. This covers the study of corporeal identities in the past as a fundamental analytical basis to analyze social behavior and the construction of collective identities. It also helps generate new narratives, collective and inclusive, based on rigorous research.


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How to Cite

Rueda Galán, C., González Marcén, P., Sánchez Romero, M., Rísquez Cuenca, C., Cacheda Pérez, M., De Miguel Ibáñez, M. P., Delgado Hervás, A., Díaz-Zorita Bonilla, M., Herranz Sánchez, A. B., López-Bertran, M., Picazo i Gurina, M. ., & Soler Mayor, B. (2021). Stereotyped bodies, buried bodies, represented bodies, changing bodies: A comprehensive approach from feminist archeology. Anales De Arqueología Y Etnología, 76(2), 215–251.