Pastes and pigments: a preliminary investigation of the pottery-making techniques at the site La Montura del Gigante through ceramic petrography and pigment characterization (Tinogasta, Catamarca, Argentina)


  • Marina Gala Martinez Carricondo Instituto Regional de Estudios Socio-Culturales, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Universidad Nacional de Catamarca (UNCA)
  • Elisa María de los Ángeles Achá Instituto Regional de Estudios Socio-Culturales, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Universidad Nacional de Catamarca (UNCA)
  • Guillermo Adrián De La Fuente Instituto Regional De Estudios Socio-Culturales, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Universidad Nacional de Catamarca (UNCA)
  • Sergio David Vera Instituto Regional de Estudios Socio-Culturales, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Universidad Nacional de Catamarca (UNCA)



petrography, pottery technology, know how, pigments, Aguada


The Montura del Gigante site is located south of the city of Tinogasta (Tinogasta, Catamarca, Argentina), surveyed by Gonzáles and Sempé in 1975. At that time, pottery attributed stylistically to Aguada, in its Southern and Decadent variants (Middle Agro-Pottery Period, ca. 600 - 900 AD), which are predominant, and, to a lesser extent, Sanagasta, Hualfín, and Belén (Late Agro-Pottery Period, ca. 900 - 1450 AD) were recovered. In this work, we present the first results obtained from the analysis with petrographic microscope (40X - 100X) of 30 thin sections belonging to ceramics temporally assigned to the Middle Period of the Montura del Gigante site (Aguada style), collected by Gonzáles and Sempé (1975). The objective of this study is to approach the pottery-making techniques during this period in the southern sector of the Abaucán Valley. The analysis of the pastes at high magnifications allowed the identification of the anti-plastics present in each fragment, as well as the percentage of inclusions relative to the matrix. This information was used for the characterization of the pastes of the studied styles and their subsequent comparison. Additionally, the results obtained by Raman microspectroscopy of the studies of black, red, and white engobe pigments that characterize these ceramic types are presented. This characterization is a first step towards understanding the decorative process of this pottery and allows us to integrate the material at a micro and macro regional level.


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How to Cite

Martinez Carricondo, M. G., Achá, E. M. de los Ángeles, De La Fuente, G. A., & Vera, S. D. (2024). Pastes and pigments: a preliminary investigation of the pottery-making techniques at the site La Montura del Gigante through ceramic petrography and pigment characterization (Tinogasta, Catamarca, Argentina). Anales De Arqueología Y Etnología, 79(2), 73–107.


