Cambiemos coalition 2015: politics on an electoral level


  • Mariano Cicowiez Instituto de Historia del Arte Argentino y Americano; facultad de Bellas Artes; Universidad Nacional de La Plata,Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). Argentina


electoral campaign, political coalition, technical images, speech, subject of the statement


Considering contemporary Argentine politics entails, throughout an electoral period, the audiovisual representations field. Therefore, the present study consists of the recognition of the sense given to the signifier material nature integrating the diegesis of Cambiemos indexical spots, whose spreading was in the context of the 2015 electoral campaign. Our hermeneutic hypothesis signals that, to the detriment of genuine government proclamations, the coalition supported its spots design rule hiding the opacity of its productions, a rule which orders the narrative structures as discourses. The analysis included the recovery of the films enunciation theory, in order to examine the traces of the impersonal subject and the images constructor. The methodology consisted of an intertextual study of communication pieces officially spread by Cambiemos, selecting an observation in three dimensions: political and civil bodies, objects at the depth of field, and spaces represented and intervened by the technological devices. The importance of this phenomenon is given by the predominance acquired, in 2015, by the proselytising pieces as vehicles for emotional communication.

Author Biography

Mariano Cicowiez, Instituto de Historia del Arte Argentino y Americano; facultad de Bellas Artes; Universidad Nacional de La Plata,Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). Argentina

Degree in Social Communication, Faculty of Journalism and Social Communication, National University of La Plata (2013), Master in Aesthetics and Theory of Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, National University of La Plata (2018) and Doctorate in Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, National University of La Plata. Internal Doctoral Fellow of the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) based at the Institute of Argentine and American Art History (IHAAA-FBA-UNLP). Participate in R&D projects linked to the relationship established by the media and the arts in the context of contemporary visual culture.


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Material audiovisual

Prensa PRO/Cambiemos (2015a). Pobreza cero en la Argentina [Archivo de video]. Disponible en:

Prensa PRO/Cambiemos (2015b). Trabajadores sin impuesto a las ganancias [Archivo de video]. Disponible en:

Prensa PRO/Cambiemos (2015c).Un primer empleo fácil de conseguir [Archivo de video]. Disponible en:

Prensa PRO/Cambiemos (2015d).Con Elizabeth y Lucas en Quilmes [Archivo de video]. Disponible en:

Prensa PRO/Cambiemos (2015e).Con Johana en José C. Paz [Archivo de video]. Disponible en:

Prensa PRO/Cambiemos (2015f).Con Sandra en Corrientes [Archivo de video]. Disponible en:

Prensa PRO/Cambiemos (2015g). Cuidar a los maestros [Archivo de video]. Disponible en:

Prensa PRO/Cambiemos (2015h). Escuelas del siglo XXI [Archivo de video]. Disponible en:

Prensa PRO/Cambiemos (2015i). Educación [Archivo de video]. Disponible en:



How to Cite

Cicowiez, M. (2020). Cambiemos coalition 2015: politics on an electoral level. Estudios Sociales Contemporáneos, (23), 114–132. Retrieved from