The 3BL and the dimensions of social responsibility

The limits and scopes of sustainability


  • Ricardo Cuevas Moreno Escuela de negocios en Angers. Francia



sustainability, corporate social responsibility, profit, nature


This article aims to study the three-dimensionality that is at the base of the corporate social responsibility and the socially responsible management. For that purpose, we use the method of materialist dialectics, confronting the conventional version that is born of the triple bottom line (3BL) and the dimensions of the social responsibility of enterprises (useful for administration, ideological and doctrinal). The overall result is that the socially responsible management is in a perpetual contradiction between the law of profit that presides over the company and its responsibility towards the community and the environment. However, the study of social responsibility from the 3BL and the ideological and doctrinal dimensions can be complementary to a thorough a critical study of this discipline.


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How to Cite

Cuevas Moreno, R. (2021). The 3BL and the dimensions of social responsibility: The limits and scopes of sustainability. Estudios Sociales Contemporáneos, (24), 249–266.