Discussion on the concept of neo-Nazism

The case of the American Nazi Party


  • Ana Laura Bochicchio Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego. Argentina




The presidency of Donald Trump exposed the existence of an important white supremacist social base in the United States. A prominent place in the organization of this extreme right was taken by the neo-Nazi George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party (1959). The main objective of this work is to think on the definition of the concept of neo-Nazism, with the aim of delimiting the phenomenon in the United States. The understanding of such a concept will allow us to comprehend the phenomenon of neo-Nazism in that country during the sixties. Rockwell brought together the symbolic use of Nazism to build an American anti-communist and racist discourse, over which Nazism was imposed as a legitimizer of an ideology applicable to the rest of the world. The objective is not to provide a detailed guide to every existing analyzes on Nazism, but to name those theories that have had the greatest importance when facing studies on neo-Nazism. Thence, it is intended to manage a definition that accounts for the differences with the original interwar movements while indicating what are the ties that unite them and allow them to be referred to, always including the prefix "neo".


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How to Cite

Bochicchio, A. L. (2022). Discussion on the concept of neo-Nazism : The case of the American Nazi Party. Estudios Sociales Contemporáneos, (27), 206–227. https://doi.org/10.48162/rev.48.050