Accelerationism as a motor of racial war:

The case of Sección de Asalto (SA).


  • Eva Gómez Fernández Universidad de Cantabria



Accelerationism, Neonazism, Spain, Sección de Asalto


Accelerationism is a terrorist phenomenon that emerged from the most violent sector of neoNazism in the United States. Its influence has taken shape in Spain with Sección de Asalto, a movement that was born in 2021. This organization aspires to destroy the world with violence against the system and against immigration in order to establish a white ethno-state. In these pages, we will describe the characteristics of this group, which calls itself “identity fascism," its motivations and its social recruitment strategies. To do so, given that there is no literature on this association, we have resorted to newspaper archive, the analysis of their social networks and, finally, their iconography. With all this, we conclude that this is a phenomenon of Spanish neo-Nazism that feeds on endogenous postulates, i.e. American, German and French, that uses social networks to spread hate speech and that, despite its limited impact on the national framework, is a dangerous threat because it wants to lead a race war. This manifestation of the far right is shaped by the socio-political circumstances that have led to
its emergence: the rise of social networks, conspiracy theories and, finally, the pandemic as the brand that dictates the beginning of its motivations.


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How to Cite

Gómez Fernández, E. . (2023). Accelerationism as a motor of racial war: : The case of Sección de Asalto (SA). Estudios Sociales Contemporáneos, (28), 93–109.


