Software and computer services sector (SCS) in pandemic and post-pandemic
Experiences of MSMEs from Santa Fe and Paraná
Software and computer services sector (SCS), pandemic, post-pandemic, teleworking, MSMEAbstract
During COVID-19 pandemic, different sociocultural spaces have experienced a forced digitization of their activities. Usually, it is stated that technology companies were the biggest winners of these processes. However, we wonder if this statement could be true for local actors of the software and computer services sector (SCS). Consequently, the goal of this paper will be to analyse experiences of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSME) of SCS in Santa Fe and Paraná during the pandemic and post-pandemic periods. With that aim, the study will briefly characterize the sector in the aforementioned metropolitan areas. Then, it will −by a qualitative methodology (documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews)− inquire into problematic dimensions manifested for these segments. Firstly, attention will turn into changes in structures, modalities and flows of labour activities (teleworking, hybrid and flexible formats). Secondly, the paper will review continuities and mutations at organizational levels and modifications in services and products of the different enterprises. Thirdly, the study will focus on variations in relationships with clients, markets, users and other significant actors and spaces for the SCS industry. Likewise, it will explore some diagnoses on SCS sector current situation and it will summarize some preliminary prospective images given by interviewees.
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