Do and Undo Genre

Experiences of Gays in the Police Corporation




bodies, subjects, gender, homosexuality, performativity


In organizations, gender norms act on bodies, forcing subjects, in order to exist, to submit to power, to “games of truth”, to practices of discipline and normalization. In military organizations, being gay is seen as out of the ordinary — both within the Corporation and by society —, since an ideal of virility was built there. In this way, our objective in this study was to understand the doing and undoing of gender among gay men in a police organization. The results of the study were constructed from semi-structured interviews applied to 11 gay military men from the Military Police of Paraná (PMPR), Brazil, who were analyzed through a "craftsmanship analysis" that crosses Foucault's theory of discourse and the perspectives of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). The main results show that gay PMPR police officers undergo, during their experiences in the profession, a complex and multifaceted process of (un)making gender that involves the interaction between the sexual and gender identity of police officers and the normative expectations of the corporation (of that they take part, and, therefore, reinforce) and society in general.

Author Biographies

Luiz Eduardo Pereira Batista, Universidade Estadual do Paraná

Master in Administration from the State University of Londrina (UEL). Graduated in Literature - Portuguese and English - and Administration from the State Faculty of Education Sciences and Letters of Paranavaí. Research focus on the discursive construction of the body crossed by different organizational contexts. Topics of interest: postmodernity, poststructuralism, queer perspective, organizational discourse and markers of differences and intersectionalities.

Eduardo Camargo de Aguiar, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Master in Administration from the Postgraduate Program in Administration at the State University of Londrina (PPGA-UEL), Paraná, Brazil, Concentration Area Management and Sustainability, Line of Research in Politics and Socio-Environmental Management. Bachelor's degree in Administration from the same university. MBA in People Management. He has been working in distance learning since 2014 and worked as a professor in distance learning higher education from 2017 to 2020. He is currently a supervisor at Pecege in partnership with Esalq/USP, in the MBA in Sales Management, in the distance learning modality.


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How to Cite

Vinholi Rampazo, A., Pereira Batista, L. E., & Camargo de Aguiar, E. (2024). Do and Undo Genre: Experiences of Gays in the Police Corporation. Estudios Sociales Contemporáneos, (31), 260–281.