Deconstructing aspects of Galina Tolmacheva’s myth and the Independent Theater in Mendoza in the mid-twentieth century: women's voices and silences in the theatrical epochal discourse and its continuity in our days


  • Marina Sarale INCIHUSA- Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
  • Ariana Lucía Gómez Facultad de Arte y Diseño- Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


Genders, Ethics, Independent Theatre, University, Stanislavski


Between 1930 and 1960 the theatrical activity that takes place in Mendoza results in it’s affirmation and professionalization. This is due, among other things, to the rise of the Independent Theater, the Harvest Festival celebration and the founding of the Drama School in 1949, that will depend on the National University of Cuyo; its training matrix is based on the notion of ethics by Konstantin Stanislavski (Russia 1863-1938), publized in Mendoza by Galina Tolmacheva. We will try to pinpoint the feminine voices and silences in the theatrical discourse of the time within the singularities that take place in that ephocal moment, as well as in relation to Independent Theater / Superior School of Theater.


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How to Cite

Sarale, M., & Gómez, A. L. . (2019). Deconstructing aspects of Galina Tolmacheva’s myth and the Independent Theater in Mendoza in the mid-twentieth century: women’s voices and silences in the theatrical epochal discourse and its continuity in our days. Revista De Literaturas Modernas, 49(1), 121–130. Retrieved from