Writing against "the Oppressor’s Language": The Challenges of Two Feminist Writers from the Global South


  • Fabiana Hebe Grasselli INCIHUSA, CCT CONICET/ Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


Experiences, Lesbian/Feminist Writing, Lesbian/Feminist Genealogies, Val Flores, Gilda Luongo


In this interpretative exercise we engage with selected texts by two contemporary feminist thinkers –Gilda Luongo (Chile) and val flores (Argentina). We seek after the traces of their conceptualization regarding the ways in which women and lesbians inscribe their/our narratives in the "oppressor’s language" (following Adrienne Rich, Dorothy Smith and Audre Lorde). We look into their challenges and proposals in a double search. On the one hand, we inquire into their negotiations of the tension between feminist experience and language, which manifests itself in a rebellious writing, grounded in corporeality and unsettled by their historical and spatial locations. On the other, we set to unveil the genealogical role of feminist/lesbian intertextuality, which connects the selected writings with the works of feminists from other times and latitudes, thus laying the grounds of a shared "room of one’s own" in language. 


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How to Cite

Yañez, S., & Grasselli, F. H. (2019). Writing against "the Oppressor’s Language": The Challenges of Two Feminist Writers from the Global South . Revista De Literaturas Modernas, 49(1), 131–144. Retrieved from https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs3/index.php/literaturasmodernas/article/view/2719