Destruction and power: the fantastic in Honoré de Balzac’s "L’Elixir de Longue Vie"


  • María Emilia Montilla Lerena Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


Fantastic, Social Critique, Philosophical Study, Don Juan


The aim of the following study is to determine how the fantastic is explored in the works of Honoré de Balzac particularly in the story "L’Elixir de Longue Vie" (1830), which was included in the Études Philosophiques of his Comédie Humaine. Firstly, we attempt to uncover which definition of the term "fantastic" can be best applied to the work of Balzac. Moreover, this study tasks itself with exploring to what extent is L’Elixir de Longue Vie a fantastic story, what elements are inspired by previous works of fiction (writings by Hoffmann and Steele as well as classic elements such as the character of Don Juan) and what original contributions does the writer makes with his particular piece. Lastly, we consider the purpose Balzac fulfils by resorting to the fantastic in a philosophical study, and how he is able to transmit a specific social critique throughout the story.


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Bibliografía general:

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Bibliografía específica:

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How to Cite

Montilla Lerena, M. E. (2019). Destruction and power: the fantastic in Honoré de Balzac’s "L’Elixir de Longue Vie". Revista De Literaturas Modernas, 49(2), 75–102. Retrieved from