Memory in conflict in the play Ya nadie recuerda a Frédéric Chopin by Roberto “Tito” Cossa



dramaturgy, memory, Roberto Cossa, Teatro Abierto, dictatorship


This article analyzes the way in which the Argentine playwright Roberto Cossa works on memory in conflict, i.e. the struggle between preserving and forgetting, based on the characters, space and time of his work Ya nadie recuerda a Frédéric Chopin. Taking as reference the concepts defined by Tzvetan Todorov in The Abuses of Memory, the scenes, characters, dialogues and set design of Roberto Cossa's 1982 play are broken down to try to understand the author's vision in its historical context.


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How to Cite

De Filippi, F. (2022). Memory in conflict in the play Ya nadie recuerda a Frédéric Chopin by Roberto “Tito” Cossa. Revista De Literaturas Modernas, 52(1), 39–50. Retrieved from




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