The trafficking of women in crime novels written by Argentine female writers: "La Varsovia" and "Cornelia"



women, white slavery, control, victims, space


This article examines the emergence of Argentine women writers in the crime novel genre in the new millennium, such as Patricia Suárez and Florencia Etcheves. This phenomenon highlights a break from the literary machismo traditionally associated with the crime genre. One focus of this study is the portrayal of tyranny over women in the 20th and 21st centuries, revealing the ongoing issues of sexual slavery and human rights violations. Through a comparative analysis of these authors’ works, it illustrates how the oppression and exploitation of women persist over time, emphasizing the victims’ need for survival and the social control mechanisms that perpetuate such situations. La Varsovia and Cornelia present a universe that resonates in the present, confirming the persistence of these power systems with different actors, yet with the consistent suffering and vulnerability of women.


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How to Cite

Di Paolo Harrison, O., & Rivas-Prado, A. G. (2024). The trafficking of women in crime novels written by Argentine female writers: "La Varsovia" and "Cornelia". Revista De Literaturas Modernas, 54(1), 107–122. Retrieved from