La navigatio Sancti Brendani Abbatis: Eneas en el Medioevo


  • Lía M. Galán Universidad Nacional de La Plata


Aeneas, Saint Brendan, travel, driver, paradise, transworld


The study focuses on two fundamental issues of both stories: the dux status of the protagonist (Aeneas and Saint Brendan, respectively) and
the symbolic itinerary to the promised land. The analysis is situated in a plane in which the symbol matters more than the data from reality, even
when these data is essential for the full understanding of the journey. A deep coincidence is observed in the trajectory of both characters as a
symbol of a complex spiritual itinerary that starts from ignorance or imperfect knowledge, progresses attending a ritual journey and passes
successive tests that strengthen the pietas and the uirtus of the pilgrims. Through a virtual death, represented by the passage of the infernal
transworld, ordinary contingencies are overcome to perceive the authentic dimension of sub specie aeternitatis works.


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How to Cite

Galán, L. M. (2019). La navigatio Sancti Brendani Abbatis: Eneas en el Medioevo . Revista De Estudios Clásicos, 46, 69–95. Retrieved from



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