Notes on education vocabulary in Xenophon


  • López Férez Antonio Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia


léxico, educación, Jenofonte


education in various Greek authors studying, within the V and IV, the works of Herodotus, Thucydides, Euripides, Aristophanes, Hippocratic Treatises, Plato and Aristotle. In this work I will approach that vocabulary in the works of Xenophon. I do not intend to collect all the vocabulary that rubs in some way the field of education, but I limit myself to several relevant lexical families. With the help of the TLG I have reviewed his works, examining all the passages, seeing the contexts in which they appear as well as the relation or opposition of the most outstanding words with respect to other terms related to education, in a broad sense. The study covers four parts: 1. διδάσκω and its lexical family: διδακτός, διδασκαλεῖον, διδασκαλία, διδασκαλικός, διδάσκαλος, διδάσκω, áἐκδιδάσκω, áἐπιδιδάσκω, ὀρχηστοδιδάσκαλος. 2. παιδαγωγός. 3. παιδεία-παιδεἐω. Namely, παιδεία, ἀπαίδευτος, παίδευµα, παίδευσις, παιδεἐω, διαπαιδεἐοµαι, συµπαιδεἐω. 4. µανθάνω and its lexical field: ἀµαθής, ἀµαθία, ἀποµανθάνω, δυσµαθής, áἐκµανθάνω, áἐπιµανθάνω, εὐµαθής, καταµανθάνω, µάθηµα, µάθησις, µαθητέος (-έα, -έον), µαθητής, µαθητός, µανθάνω, ὀψιµαθής, πολυµαθής, προσµαθητέον, συµµανθάνω, φιλοµαθής.


Ediciones, comentarios y traducciones

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How to Cite

Antonio, L. F. (2019). Notes on education vocabulary in Xenophon . Revista De Estudios Clásicos, 47, 55–190. Retrieved from



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