Migratory griefs as objects of representations: Untold wars





Colombian dramaturgies, migration, war, migratory grief, theatre


The current migratory phenomenon leads to various problems that not only concern the people who must migrate, but can involve a whole country and go beyond it to become a global phenomenon. In this article, we want to approach the dramaturgical texts Pies morenos sobre piedras de sal by Ana María Vallejo, Mapa by Amaranta Osorio and Silencios by Camilo Vergara to analyze how the migratory processes are represented within some Colombian dramaturgies, delving into those poetic images that produce intimate and collective spaces in the characters, and with them the motives of migration, the journeys and the transformations that their protagonists undergo, to unveil through this interpretative analysis new forms of writing in Colombian theater, which bring and allow us to understand some approaches to the phenomenon of migration that, as a society, we are currently experiencing.

Author Biographies

Sandra María Ortega Garzón, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

Sandra María Ortega Garzón is an actress, theatre director, researcher and teacher. She holds a PhD in Theatre Studies from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, a Master's degree in Shakespearean Theatre from the University of Exeter (England), a Master's degree in Dramatic Art and a degree in Modern Languages. Professor at the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas in Bogotá. Her main fields of research are imaginaries and their representations in art, political violence, violence of and from bodies, the animal and the animal body, migrations. She is a researcher of the European project TransMigrARTS, of the research line ‘Critical studies of corporealities, sensibilities and performativities’ and of the International Network of Latin American and European Theatre Researchers (RIITLE). Her publications include: Ficción vírica e inmunización social en los ‘proyectos piloto’ de Enrique Buenaventura y Enrique Lozano (2022) and De hombres y de bestias: figuras animales de lo político en el teatro colombiano contemporáneo (2020).

Sandra Camacho López, Universidad de Antioquia

Sandra Camacho López is a performing artist, researcher and teacher. Currently, linked to the Faculty of Arts of the University of Antioquia in Medellín, she is doing her postdoctoral stay at the LLA-CRÉATIS laboratory of the University of Toulouse 2, Jean Jaurès. She holds a PhD and a Master's degree in Theatre and Performing Arts from the Sorbonne-Nouvelle University, Paris 3, a Master's degree in Performing Arts from the Faculty of Arts-ASAB of the Universidad Distrital de Bogotá and a degree in Psychology from the Universidad Santo Tomás. Her fields of research focus on the tragic, contemporary dramaturgy and acting in contemporary theatre. The representations of uprooting, confinement, horror, barbarism and migration have been some of the starting points for her various research projects, papers and publications. She is part of the research team of the project Transforming Migration by Arts (TransMigrARTS) funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 with the Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) programme, within the framework of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions.


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How to Cite

Ortega Garzón, S. M., & Camacho López, S. (2024). Migratory griefs as objects of representations: Untold wars. Boletín GEC, (33), 94–120. https://doi.org/10.48162/rev.43.055