The drawing as educational resource




Teaching Drawn, Educational Technology, Visual Thinking, Methodology


This is a study on the use of drawing as a teaching resource. From a didactic perspective, drawing is a versatile and complex resource used in many different ways. But in what ways in particular? Has it evolved? In this study we will try to describe a "state of the matter", which can be deepened in an exemplified cataloging of the different applications of drawing as a means of teaching and learning. We will finally see that in recent years, visual or visual thinking, as a proposal for a didactic discourse based on drawing, has a remarkable growth in the development of digital teaching materials and is being part of the construction of the new competency profiles of the teachers. However, the drawing is still not considered a basic competence and the graphic skills of the teaching students are far from being destined for consideration as didactic language.


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How to Cite

DEL CASTILLO-OLIVARES, J. M. (2020). The drawing as educational resource. Cuadernos De Historia Del Arte, (34), 311–356. Retrieved from