Fotografías y dibujos en los comienzos del Museo de Historia Natural de Valparaíso (1878-1906)


  • Carolina Valenzuela Matus Universidad Autónoma de Chile




The photographs and drawings are important in the reconstruction of the history of the Natural History Museum of Valparaiso at the end of XIX century in Chile. The images and drawings presented in this study were published mainly by the review Revista Chilena de Historia Natural created and leaded by one of the Museum’s director, Carlos Porter, who also made other publications where photographs and drawings had a significative space to upgrade the work of naturalists. In this study, we analyze the photographs and drawings of the Revista Chilena de Historia Natural and the Breves Instrucciones para la Recolección de Historia Natural as tools that allowed to rebuild the history of the museum and the naturalist interests of that time.


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How to Cite

Valenzuela Matus, C. (2020). Fotografías y dibujos en los comienzos del Museo de Historia Natural de Valparaíso (1878-1906). Cuadernos De Historia Del Arte, (34), 125–161. Retrieved from