Mirada La mirada cómplice en las modelos femeninas de Egon Schiele


  • Isabel Escalera Fernández Universidad de Valladolid


Egon Schiele, Desnudo, Mujer, Sujeto Activo


The main objective of this study is to make a first approach to the female nudes of Egon Schiele. While it is true that at the beginning of his career their nudes are more traditional, as time goes by their nudes will be more agressive and sensuous. Their female models look towards the spectator, so they are not a passive subject, but they become an active subject. In addition to this, it will also analyse some childish nudes, which made that Egon Schiele was acused of paedophilia, stigma associated with him today. In a nutshell, the aim is to illustrates the importance of the poses and the female nudes that Egon Schiele made.


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How to Cite

Escalera Fernández, I. (2020). Mirada La mirada cómplice en las modelos femeninas de Egon Schiele. Cuadernos De Historia Del Arte, (35), 123–147. Retrieved from https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/cuadernoshistoarte/article/view/3091


