Exhibitions in the conformation of graphic design (Buenos Aires, 1900-1916)


  • Patricia Dosio UBA




This article examines the relationships between exhibitions and graphic production between 1900 and 1916, a period prior to what is usually considered as the beginning of graphic design as a discipline. Without falling into a chronological and descriptive historical account, nor distorting the classical history about the conformation of the field of graphic design, this research incorporates another dimension of analysis. Market demands, competition, exchange of knowledge and establishment of commercial connections between producers that transcended the political interests that initially enclosed world fairs. It was notable in the period the insistence on the need to educate not only the public's taste but also the professionals of applied and graphic arts through exhibition spaces.  


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How to Cite

Dosio, P. (2020). Exhibitions in the conformation of graphic design (Buenos Aires, 1900-1916) . Cuadernos De Historia Del Arte, (35), 225–272. Retrieved from https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/cuadernoshistoarte/article/view/3659


