Ciberfeminismo, arte y videojuegos

de VNS Matrix a Mónica Jacobo


  • Andrea Torrano CONICET y UNC




This article aims to explore the intersection between art and videogames from cyberfeminism. Digital technologies and the Internet have become an object of examination by feminist artists. In the early ’90s, the Australian cyberfeminist collective VNS Matrix recreates from videogames from a critical view on patriarchal culture. Thirty years later, Mónica Jacobo, an artist from Córdoba, uses videogames to reflect demands and feminist struggles in Argentina. A critical-historical analysis of these two cyberfeminist expressions allows us to observe the transformations of cyberfeminism, from the so-called first cyberfeminism to the current one. But also to reflect, from a situated thought, on the features that cyberfeminism acquires in our latitudes. 


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How to Cite

Torrano, A. (2022). Ciberfeminismo, arte y videojuegos: de VNS Matrix a Mónica Jacobo. Cuadernos De Historia Del Arte, 38(38), 219–253. Retrieved from