Idyll and anguish in the leopardian L’Infinito


  • Alfredo Luzi Università di Macerata, Marche, Italia


Leopardi, L'Infinito, Poetry, Philosophy, Zibaldone


The poetry of Giacomo Leopardi is a synthesis of meditation and songs, a living unity of thought and expression. His most celebrated poem, L’Infinito, reaches a supreme value when it is contextualized within the framework of the poetic theory elaborated by the poet himself in the most reflexive of his works, Zibaldone, where Leopardi conceives poetry as a form of philosophy.


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IENGO, FRANCESCO. 1998. "Giacomo Leopardi: il nulla e la materia". En: Prometeo, Milano, anno XVI, n. 63, sett., 1998.

ISER, WOLFGANG. 1987. L’atto della lettura, Bologna: Il Mulino.

KANT, IMMANUEL. 1987. Critica della ragion pura. Bari: Laterza.

LEOPARDI, GIACOMO. 1997. Zibaldone. Milano: Newton Compton.

LUPORINI, CESARE. 1998. Decifrare Leopardi. Napoli: Macchiaroli.



How to Cite

Luzi, A. (2019). Idyll and anguish in the leopardian L’Infinito. Revista De Literaturas Modernas, 49(2), 13–25. Retrieved from