The intellectual before reality: Essay and language of dissent in Mario Benedetti


  • Constanza Correa Lust Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
  • Claudio Gustavo Maíz Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas


Mario Benedetti, Committed intellectual, Language of dissent, Latin American sixties, Essay


This article broaches the relationship between the role of intellectuals in the Latin American sixties, the so-called "language of dissent" and the preponderant place that the essay had as a privileged discursive practice of these subjects. Through this genre in particular, the debates on commitment, militancy and the social and political role of literature acquire new dimensions by highlighting the interpretation that these intellectuals make of contemporaneity. The analysis of the dimensions that the language of dissent addresses in Mario Benedetti's essays offers us an excellent opportunity to reflect on the debates that they starred in the symbolic and intellectual field of those years. We will carry out, then, an analysis of those considerations that the role acquires and the redefinition that intellectual commitment acquires in the continental conjuncture. As we will be able to observe, a critical attitude, of situated commitment will be what leads him to be skeptical of phenomena such as the publishing boom. It then returns, once again, to the debate on the functionality of literature as an instrument of social change and cultural resistance.


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Author Biography

Constanza Correa Lust, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo

Constanza Correa Lust is a Professor of Language and Literature, graduated from FFyL of the UNCuyo. In 2022 she received her PhD in Literature from the same university and a scholarship from CONICET. Her thesis was entitled: "La ensayística de Mario Benedetti: Literatura, identidad, revolución y figura del intelectual". Her research revolves around Latin American literature and the socio-political context of the 60's, with special emphasis on the committed intellectual, on the one hand, and the essay genre, on the other. She is currently a professor of "History of Argentine Culture and Theater I" at the Faculty of Arts and Design of the UNCuyo. Her latest publications are: "Literatura, compromiso y el intelectual: La influencia del pensamiento sartreano en la ensayística de Mario Benedetti" (Revista [SIC], Año IX, #22. Montevideo); "Mario Benedetti y el ensayo: la práctica discursiva de un intelectual comprometido", in [Revista "América sin nombre". Universidad de Alicante. Núm 24-2) and "La ensayística autopoética de Mario Benedetti: un acercamiento hacia su máscara autoral", in [SIC]. Year X, No. 26. Montevideo).


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How to Cite

Correa Lust, C., & Maíz, C. G. (2023). The intellectual before reality: Essay and language of dissent in Mario Benedetti. Revista De Literaturas Modernas, 53(2), 58–79. Retrieved from




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