Environmental Impact and Social Perception in Matlazincas Urban Park, Toluca, México


  • Martha Vanessa Cruz-Rodríguez Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Carlos Alberto Pérez-Ramírez Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México


urban parks, social perception, conservation, management


Urban parks face various problems related to the degradation of vegetation, disruption of biodiversity and contamination by solid waste, irregular human settlements, and even the conditions of violence and insecurity that occur inside them, which put at risk their aims of nature conservation and the welfare of the population. It is necessary to contribute to the generation of information on their current environmental conditions and the perception of the users, in order to contribute to taking of decisions for their proper management. Therefore, the purpose of the research was to analyze the environmental impact and the social perception in the Urban Park Matlazincas (in Spanish, PUM), located in the city of Toluca, Mexico, with the aim of formulating strategies for the environmental conservation and the social well-being. A cross-matrix of environmental impact was applied, which allowed to relate the elements of the environment with the activities carried out. In addition, 137 questionnaires were applied to visitors, with the aim of knowing their opinion on recreational activities; sports; environmental education; appreciation for art, culture, and science; religious practices; and sense of belonging. The main findings include the environmental problems caused by the introduction of vehicles, the presence of pets, and the inadequate disposal of solid waste. Likewise, although the population recognizes the importance of the park and is engaged in sports and recreational activities, it does not participate in the environmental activities that are currently offered. To conclude, it is necessary to strengthen the diffusion of the biological diversity, cultural, artistic, and recreational elements of the park, as well as to promote the participation of diverse social actors, in order to favor environmental conservation.


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How to Cite

Cruz-Rodríguez, M. V. ., & Pérez-Ramírez, C. A. . (2019). Environmental Impact and Social Perception in Matlazincas Urban Park, Toluca, México. Proyección. Estudios Geográficos Y De Ordenamiento Territorial, 13(26), 41–59. Retrieved from https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/proyeccion/article/view/2837