The value of the past

Contributions to the Evaluation of the Architectural Heritage of Argentina


  • Silvia Augusta Cirvini Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas


heritage; buildings; valuation; dimensions


The problem with providing a valuation of cultural heritage, this ever growing universe of material and symbolic goods, the crucial knot that joins different viewpoints and defines their integration or loss in the present. This valuation is multidimensional, from different social spaces, and at the same time, shifting and developing over time, generating cycles or stages in the use and enjoyment of this heritage.

This article aims to analyse the subject of valuation building heritage, understood as the evaluation from both the different disciplinary fields involved and from the social and economic. These valuations participate in the dispute between social and cultural disciplines, defining the future of the projects, operating as a foundation of the processes of heritagestatus and activation or sentencing them to loss or oblivion.

Beyond the bibliographical review, which ranges from economics to anthropology, and its critical analysis in relation to its validity in the case of Argentina, this article is an attempt to review what criteria operate when it seems that there are none and how important the positions and or statements made by those involved are. The subject remains open, in this first stage our interest is to raise questions in order to understand the complexity of the processes of valuation.


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Author Biography

Silvia Augusta Cirvini, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

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How to Cite

Cirvini, S. A. (2019). The value of the past: Contributions to the Evaluation of the Architectural Heritage of Argentina. Revista De Historia Americana Y Argentina, 54(2), 13–38. Retrieved from



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