The Relations between the United States and Ecuador in the field of Security during World War II


  • César Castilla Université Toulouse 1 Capitole. Grupo de trabajo CLACSO en Medio Oriente y Norte de África
  • Karol Tituaña Universidad de Los Hemisferios



Ecuador, United States, nazism, international security, international relations


The first joint activities between Ecuador and the United States in the field of international security took place in ecuadorian territory during WWII. This is a novel approach adopted by the americans that has privileged the formation of mixed structures in the realm of international relations. That meant actions such as the control and restriction of the entry of axis nationals to Ecuador, the exchange of information on suspected foreigners working at embassies, the application of intelligence plans like the signal intelligence, FBI agents in Ecuador and the application of a blacklist, among others. Thanks to this new international security approach, the hegemony of the united states would prevail in Latin America and western Europe at the end of WWII. This academic paper has collected first-hand sources from the historical archive of the ecuadorian chancellery. This research aims to identify the causes of the joint activities between Ecuador and the United States in international security issues during wwii through an ir’s theoretical approach.


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How to Cite

Castilla, C., & Tituaña , K. (2021). The Relations between the United States and Ecuador in the field of Security during World War II. Revista De Historia Americana Y Argentina, 56(2), 167–185.



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