When the recognition of diversity legitimizes inequality
Intercultural education, Difficulties, Proposals, Indigenous communitiesAbstract
In the present work we review part of a text resulting from the development of a research project referring to experiences of teachers postulated in intercultural education and bilingualism in IES N º 1, based in the towns of La Quiaca (northern border) and Abra Pampa.
The conditions regarding educational policies in the national and provincial levels, in regard to Intercultural Bilingual Education, have worsened what seems to merit a new analysis of some issues raised by the participants in the project, who identified difficulties with they found in their task, trying to focus on intercultural perspectives. To this we must add that for a long time, but especially now, the rights of indigenous communities are seriously jeopardized by the advance of different forms of transnational and predatory exploitation of goods that house their territories. This is combined with a sustained attempt to fragment and criminalize their struggles.
We make some proposals tending to favor a broader view than the existing epistemic categories allow us, as well as the assessment of the possibility of concrete utopias that promote more inclusive and fair alternatives.
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