The Mirror or "what is a question?"

A pedagogic narrative in Deleuzian terms


  • Gonzalo Santiago Rodriguez Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


Pedagogic Narrative, Deleuze, Meaning, Repetition, Reproduction


The following paper is part of a larger pedagogic narrative whose original objective was to describe the experience of community of inquiry in the context of a teacher´s training program. The second class here offered use some Deleuze concepts, in particular those of the Logic of Meaning and Difference and Repetition, to question our teaching practice. Therefore the following work considers each class as an event, and each interrelation with our students as an opportunity to tease a problem. Thus concepts such as "error", "reproduction", "repetition", are thought in Deleuzian terms and offered as starting points to think the meaning of our way of teaching, a way whereby our class makes possible the appearance of the event. In the particular event of this narrative we intended to show how the question of meaning is directly related to the question of "error", and how a question opens the possibility to new ways of thinking.


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How to Cite

Rodriguez, G. S. (2020). The Mirror or "what is a question?": A pedagogic narrative in Deleuzian terms. Saberes Y prácticas. Revista De Filosofía Y Educación, 5(1), 1–12. Retrieved from