Critical Consciousness in Paulo Freire. Notes on the Disruption of the Hegemonic Model of Eurocentric Philosophy
Critical consciousness, Categories of consciousness, Dialog, Emancipatory educationAbstract
Paulo Freire was concerned about an education that would cater for the people, who were emerging as political subjects and also from their history, along the democratic openness that Brazil was going through. He made a strategic interpretation of European sources and their tradition. In order to formulate a theory on human beings, he held a critical dialogue with existentialism, Marxism, phenomenology, and the School of Frankfurt. The aim of this work is to analyze the category of critical consciousness in this anthropological model, its implications and links to other key categories within the model.
We propose to carry out this examination by means of dialogues and debates with the central issues of Latin American philosophical thinking, which account for the main emancipatory processes in Latin America, and allow us to disrupt Eurocentrical philosophy. We thus consider that our approach, from the perspective of critical Latin American thinking, will allow for a more comprehensive understanding of one of Freire’s main concerns: the constant struggle for an education that is free of alienation and that respects the “ontological vocation of human beings to be more”.
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