An Accessible Digital Structure is a Human Right of People with Visual Impairment


  • Claudia Libiert Frost Nájera Universidad Politécnica de Santa Rosa Jáuregui



tiflotechnical advices, visual impairment, inclusive education, meaningful learning, accessibility


Online education forced by the 2020 pandemic, can be a springboard of opportunities for the inclusion of visually impaired persons through assistive technologies; or they can be left out due to the illiteracy that exists in society regarding where to find and how to use assistive technologies, to promote the inclusion of this collective. Therefore, it is vitally important to implement assistive technologies and innovative teaching methodologies that enable meaningful learning and can motivate visually impaired students to participate more proactively. The gamification and random formation of teams that enable platforms potentializes the adaptive capacity of these students in the educational community, while exercising the right to accessibility through information in multiple formats of universal design for learning. In this essay, the author, who leads a tiflotechnical room at a polytechnic university, discusses the type of digital technologies that help eliminate barriers to learning for people with visual disabilities – group to which she belongs- to be able to generate the type of educational scenarios they require.


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How to Cite

Libiert Frost Nájera, C. (2021). An Accessible Digital Structure is a Human Right of People with Visual Impairment. Saberes Y prácticas. Revista De Filosofía Y Educación, 6(1), 1–15.