School Libraries, Teachers and the Diffusion of Reading in Norpatagonia (1884-1930)
School Libraries, History of education, Norpatagonia, Reading, TeachersAbstract
In the late 19th century, state education officials pointed out the need to establish libraries in schools in Norpatagonia (National Territories of Río Negro and Neuquén) as a means of propagating the "love of reading". The target groups were divided into three groups: students, teachers and the local community. This paper deals with the relationship between school libraries and the second group, focusing on the figure of teachers as recipients and disseminators of library action. On the one hand, given the negative perception that the authorities had of these subjects and the environment in which they worked, these libraries were expected to function as instruments for their education and training, improving knowledge and teaching practices. On the other hand, each teacher was entrusted with the task of transmitting reading habits to the community, by setting up the school library itself and carrying out activities to spread reading among the students and their families.
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