Sociality and sensitive condition from gestures to think the professional teaching practice

The intimate as an emergent narrative


  • Federico Ayciriet Facultad de Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata; Grupo de Investigación en Escenarios y Subjetividades Educativas (GIESE - CIMED)



narrative research, professional practice, biographical expansion, sensitivity, education


This paper is offered as a meta-analytical exercise that recomposes methodological decisions and recovers emergents of the field work carried out in the framework of a research aimed at interpreting the communicative processes that take place in the virtual environment of the ISFD Almafuerte in the city of Mar del Plata. The paper is based on narratives from which it is proposed to consider the biographical and sensitive condition as an unavoidable emergent of educational research. From the narrative approach, the proposal takes as a starting point the consideration of the educational fact as an essentially communicational phenomenon in which the communicative processes are conceived as social practices, spaces of interaction and production of meaning in which the subjects are constituted. From this perspective, we propose an itinerary through scenes and gestures that speak about the professional practice of teachers and allow us to recover the veiled sensitive condition that inhabits their stories and their daily work as educators. In epistemological and methodological terms, it is proposed that the consideration of the biographical condition deconstructs traditional ways of doing research and is constituted not only as a key in the configuration of the vital and professional experiences of those who offer their stories, but also for those who investigates and interprets.


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How to Cite

Ayciriet, F. (2023). Sociality and sensitive condition from gestures to think the professional teaching practice: The intimate as an emergent narrative. Saberes Y prácticas. Revista De Filosofía Y Educación, 7(2), 1–11.