In vitro effect of comercial pesticides on Trichoderma harzianum strain A- 34


  • Leónides Castellanos González Centro de Estudios para la Transformación Agraria Sostenible (CETAS). Universidad de Cienfuegos. Carretera a Rodas km 4. Cienfuegos. Cuba
  • María E. Lorenzo Nicao Laboratorio Provincial de Sanidad Vegetal Cienfuegos. Carretera de Palmira km 4. Cienfuegos. Cuba
  • Berta Lina Muiño Instituto de Investigación de Sanidad Vegetal (INISAV). Calle 110 y 5ta F. Marianao. La Habana. Cuba
  • Ricardo Hernández Pérez Centro Agrobiotecnológico (CAB). Proveedora Fitozoosanitaria SA de CV. Emiliano Zapata No.10, 3 int. San L. Huexotla. Texcoco. Estado de México
  • Dagoberto Guillen Sánchez Escuela de Estudios Superiores de Xalostoc, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, Av. Nicolás Bravo s/n, Parque Industrial Cuautla, Xalostoc, Ayala, Morelos, CP. 62740 México


biocontrol, fungicides, insecticides, integrated management, antagonist


The work aims to evaluate the in vitro effect of six commercial pesticides on the mycelia growth, the spore production and conidia germination of Trichoderma harzianum strain A-34. The assay was carried out with the following products: folpet (Folpam 80 PH), zineb (Zineb 80 PH), mancozeb (Mancozeb 75 PH), cipermetrina (Cipermetrina 10 EC), lambda cialotrina (Karate 5 EC) and abamectina (Abamectin 1.8 EC) to the concentrations of 10, 100, 200, 500, 1000 and 2000 mg L-1. The growth inhibition of the fungus colony, the effect of the pesticides on the spore production and the conidia germination were evaluated. The pesticides were classified according to their toxicity on the antagonist by the OILB scale and their compatibility according to the T value. The folpet, mancozeb and zineb fungicides, and the abamectina insecticide have inhibitory effect on the growth of the mycelia of the fungus T. harzianum, and they are classified as lightly toxic. However, when considering the T value, zineb is classified as very toxic, and mancozeb and folpet as moderately toxic, while the insecticides are not toxic to the antagonist. Fungicides affect the germination of the antagonist's conidia but insecticides do not.





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