Biometric genetics in cowpea beans (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp) I: phenotypic and genotypic relations among production components


  • Francisco Cássio Gomes Alvino Federal University of Viçosa. Department of Agricultural Engineering. Av. Peter Henry Rolfs s/n. Campus Universitário. CEP: 36570-900. Viçosa. Paraíba. Brazil
  • Rodolfo Rodrigo de Almeida Lacerda Federal University of Campina Grande. Agri-Food Science and Technology Center. Rua Jairo Vieira Feitosa. 1770. Pereiros. CEP: 58840-000. Pombal. Paraiba. Brazil
  • Leonardo de Sousa Alves Federal Rural University of the Semiarid. Department of Plant Sciences. Rua Francisco Mota 572. Pres. Costa e Silva. CEP: 59625-900 Mossoró. Rio Grande do Norte. Brazil
  • Lauter Silva Souto Federal University of Campina Grande. Agri-Food Science and Technology Center. Rua Jairo Vieira Feitosa. 1770. Pereiros. CEP: 58840-000. Pombal. Paraiba. Brazil
  • Rômulo Gil de Luna Federal University of Campina Grande. Agri-Food Science and Technology Center. Rua Jairo Vieira Feitosa. 1770. Pereiros. CEP: 58840-000. Pombal. Paraiba. Brazil
  • Marcelo Cleon de Castro Silva Federal University of Campina Grande. Agri-Food Science and Technology Center. Rua Jairo Vieira Feitosa. 1770. Pereiros. CEP: 58840-000. Pombal. Paraiba. Brazil
  • Jussara Silva Dantas Federal University of Campina Grande. Agri-Food Science and Technology Center. Rua Jairo Vieira Feitosa. 1770. Pereiros. CEP: 58840-000. Pombal. Paraiba. Brazil
  • Jabob Silva Souto Federal University of Campina Grande. Forestry Engineering Academic Unit. University Avenue s/n. Santa Cecília 58700970. Patos. Paraíba. Brazil
  • Diogo Gonçalves Neder Campina Grande State University. Rua Baraúnas, 351. CEP: 58429-500. Campina Grande. Paraíba. Brazil.
  • João de Andrade Dutra Filho Federal University of Pernambuco. Vitoria Academic Center/ Biological Science Nucleus. Rua Alto do Reservatório. s/n Bela Vista. CEP: 55608-680. Vitória de Santo Antão. Pernambuco. Brazil
  • Anielson dos Santos Souza Federal University of Campina Grande. Agri-Food Science and Technology Center. Rua Jairo Vieira Feitosa. 1770. Pereiros. CEP: 58840-000. Pombal. Paraiba. Brazil



Path analysis, Genetic improvement, Selection, Productivity, Relationships among characters, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.


In the semi-arid region of Paraíba, cowpea has low productivity due to irregular rainfall and poor use of production technologies. An extensive study aimed at selecting more productive cultivars was conducted using biometric models. This first work had the following objectives: i. Quantify direct and indirect effects of primary and secondary components on grain production; ii. Identify variables with greater potential for cultivar selection in the semiarid region of Paraíba and iii. Determine the most appropriate selection strategies for the evaluated variables. The experiment was conducted in an experimental field. The influence of 6 primary and 6 secondary production components was evaluated on grain yield. Data were subjected to ANOVA. Genetic parameters, correlations and path analysis were estimated. Given the strong direct phenotypic and genotypic effects, pod yield results the most promising variable for higher grain yield selection. Direct and simultaneous selections are the most suitable strategies for the set of evaluated variables. However, further studies on selection indices are necessary to maximize genetic gains.


  • Variables with greater potential were identified for the selection of superior cultivars of cowpea in the semiarid region of Paraíba.
  • The pod yield variable (PP) seems promising for cultivar selection considering higher grain yield (GY).






Genetics and plant breeding

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