The Teaching of a Renewed Geography in the University Training of Teachers for the Primary Level: Training Experiences
Renewed Geography, Didactic Strategies, Teacher TrainingAbstract
The situated experiences shared below arise from the need to implement innovative didactic strategies in our classrooms that stimulate active learning among future teachers. One of these strategies is the guided discussion with the round table format, used for the critical analysis of geographic texts. Its application encourages debate and reflection among students, allowing them not only to understand theoretical content, but also to develop critical and analytical skills that are fundamental for their future teaching work.
In addition to the round table, reference is made to the self-guided field trip, a strategy that not only brings students closer to the real geographic context, but also allows them to apply the concepts learned in a practical environment and directly observe geographic phenomena in action. This methodology promotes experiential learning and also stimulates curiosity and interest in understanding the complex intertwining of social, territorial and environmental issues.
Both formative experiences are not limited to the transmission of information, but seek to develop key competencies in students, such as the capacity for critical analysis, the resolution of geographic problems and the application of theoretical knowledge to concrete situations. The contributions of this renewed Geography are in tune with the contemporary demands of geographic education, which requires not only a mastery of content, but also practical skills and a deep understanding of current socio-environmental challenges.
These proposals are expected to be a contribution to the field of geographic education, in the training of teachers for the primary level, extending it to the rest of the levels of the educational system, promoting an active and reflective learning that prepares students to face the complex challenges of teaching and understanding contemporary geographic phenomena.
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