Geographic Information Technologies in the Construction of an Interactive Web-Atlas: University Extension Experience
Geographic Information Technologies, Interactive-web-Atlas, Geovisor, Geography teachingAbstract
The paper presents the experience and results achieved within the framework of two university extension projects related to the creation of an interactive web-atlas as an innovative teaching resource for teaching Geography, with the aim of promoting the incorporation of Information Technologies. Geographic Information (TIG) at the secondary and higher education levels, through the development of a cartographic product that not only allows the visualization and association of spatial information but also makes alphanumeric and graphic databases available, making it possible downloading, editing and creating your own maps, with an infinite number of possible combinations, promoting the creativity of teachers and students.
An interactive digital atlas based on data from the Luján River basin was developed and published through the QGIS Cloud platform and the Leaflet library, allowing the transition from a static cartography to a more dynamic and accessible one. Workshops were held with teachers and students from the Instituto Superior de Formación Docente N.° 51 in Pilar, providing training in the use of the web-atlas and in the management of Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
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