The translation of a literary classic to the screen: Blood Wedding and The Bride, between faithfulness and betrayal


  • Verónica Alcalde Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


Federico García Lorca, Paula Ortiz, Blood Wedding, Literature and cinema


The Bride (2015), a film adaptation of Blood Wedding directed by Paula Ortiz, is not an exact translation of the play to the cinematographic language. The filmmaker from Zaragoza opts for a free adaptation, creating an autonomous work of art. By focusing on some of the most relevant variations between tragedy and its translation, such as space and time, we reflect on its possible causes and the interesting repercussions on the audiovisual text. We show that taking distance from the text Ortiz achieves the resonances of the spirit and aesthetics of Lorca. In other words, she is more "faithful" to the work of Federico García Lorca when she assumes the risk of "treason".


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How to Cite

Alcalde, V. (2019). The translation of a literary classic to the screen: Blood Wedding and The Bride, between faithfulness and betrayal. Boletín GEC, (24), 24–64. Retrieved from